"Red is emotional in a more direct way, the lyrics are clear and the vocals up front. His voice on Larks sounds distant and pretty meek. I could sing you most of Reds lyrics and none from Larks except for the "Ea-syyy Mo-neyyyy".
The mixing sets Red apart too, I guess."
While I could recall the majority of Easy Money's lyrics I think the reader made a spot on observation about how Lark's Tongue in Aspic was mixed compared to Red. It just goes to show how important mix can be in creating a great album, and how the mix of an album can reflect the emotion and feeling of an album.
These are two different concepts. A bad mix is just a poor balance of sounds, either due to a lack of know-how or budget restraints. A poorly thought out mix is different, as the mix can be reflective of the mood of an album. Sometimes a rough mix better reflects the feel of the music, and sometimes it benefits from a clean sounding mix with everything being truly distinguished. While the later concept is purely subjective you sometimes get the feeling the musician or producer either gave the mixing stage a big 'ol "aw fuck it" or had a far different idea for their music than the listener did.